Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Pay Attention

     After viewing "Pay Attention" I am given a totally different perspective on using technology in the classroom. There are so many more options that I could ever imagine. For instance, text messaging activities and Geo Caching to teach geography; the list goes on.

     Just last week in my Math for Elementary Teachers class, my teachers used an internet site to take a poll. Instead of having us verbally give answers, we texted them and they came up on the screen anonymously. How fun! It was engaging, everyone wanted to do it, and no one was to shy to answer! This type of activity could be used in so many ways.

     The shocking statistics on high schooler's opinions about the importance of their education definitely made an impact. I want to make an impact. Inspire. I want to use new ways to engage students and have them look forward to coming to school each day to learn.

      I had never thought of using podcasts before, but I will think twice about it now. I will be an elementary teacher and students will most likely have an iPod before they have a cell phone. Those are ways to draw the students' interest into the lesson more and use my resources more effectively. Also, teaching them how to use technology and social media responsibly and effectively. So, to answer the question, technology definitely has a place in my classroom even more so now than before viewing the video.

Watch the video, it wil have an impact on you. I promise.


Anna Claire

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