Saturday, May 4, 2013
Course Reflection
When entering IT 365 for the first time, at the beginning of the semester, I had no idea what to expect. I knew the class would incorporate technology, and I knew the class would teach me ways of incorporating technology and what I learned into my future classroom. I did not, however, expect the class to teach me so much about new, innovative resources and ways that other teachers and/or instructors are conducting their classroom. For example, the World Peace Games. The teacher who devised the games and conducts them in his classroom, gives his students the freedom to make their own decisions. The teacher does not run the classroom like a dictator; however, he still has the control and respect of the classroom. I loved seeing this and coming to the realization that that is the exact type of classroom I want to have for myself. I realize I will more than likely not be facilitating the World Peace Games, I hope to be teaching younger children, but I do hope to have the same freedom in my classroom while still maintaining respect and control of the environment. Other things I enjoyed in the class was constructing the website. I loved creating it as if I was already in my own classroom. In addition, the website allowed me really consider what I would want to do in my own classroom as far as a morning routine or how I would want to keep in contact with parents (i.e. newsletter, email, Remind 101, etc.). Other projects that interested my in class were the Voki and XtraNormal videos. I learned a lot from all of these. I was able to bring something away from both of these projects. I was able to think about the ways I could incorporate these videos into my future classrooms, not only by teacher introductions, but by using the flower Voki to teach about plant cells, photosynthesis, etc. XtraNormal videos can be used to teach about the same types of things due to the fact that there are more options and there can be more than one speaker. This is just some of what I have learned in this class. In conclusion, I have learned a lot from this class. I hope to be a better teacher with the changes in technology due to what I have learned, and I hope to be able to include more technology into my classroom to grab the attention of my future students.
Anna Claire
Blogfolio - Final Project
My Blogfolio is a final project for IT 365 Spring 2013. I set this into a table format to make it easier to understand and read. I have also posted a link, below, to the NET Standards for Teachers as a reference.
NET Standards for Teachers
Assignment/Objective Addressed
Standard Addressed (NETS)
Description of the Nature of the
Intro Video
When completing this project I was able to learn my weaknesses and
what I need to improve on before making another introduction video for my
first classroom. I was able to
discover that I needed to have more prior practice, rather than “winging it”
in order to make a more successful video. The project met the NET Standards
1a and 5d. In 1a it states that one must “demonstrate introductory knowledge,
skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology”. In order to
execute the project I had to operate a video camera and be able to upload it
to my compute and blog. Secondly, in 5d the NET Standards state that, “use
technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger
community in order to nurture student learning”. The entire purpose of the
video is to engage my future students and parents and educate them on my
interests, achievements, and goals for the upcoming year.
Concept Map
When constructing my concept map, I really got invested in the
project. I picked a topic that I thoroughly enjoyed, and I went full speed
ahead with it. The concept map meets the NET Standard 1a&b because it requires the author or designer
to “demonstrate introductory knowledge. skills and understanding of concepts
related to technology”. In “b”, the NET Standards also states “continual
growth”. In order to complete the project I had to learn how to use a new
software program that constantly is updated with newer versions. Also the
concept map meets standards 2a due to the fact that the standard states
“technology enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of
learners”. For the concept map, we were required to include pictures and
videos, making it visually appealing, words for the linguistic learners, and
speak about the map for the auditory learners which the videos also apply to.
All of these assist in teaching the diverse needs of learners. Lastly, NET
Standards 3b because that standard also talks about the diverse needs of
learners and using different strategies to adhere to those.
Khan’s Academy
When watching the video about Khan’s Academy and after learning more
about what the program is about, five out of the six basic NET Standards were
met. Khan Academy is very specialized in what it does and it is designed for
a specific purpose. There are ways for the teachers to track each individual
student and in addition students work at home and at their own pace. Khan
Academy is constantly growing and evolving with changing advancements. Khan
Academy uses technology to do all of these things and to help students excel
in math. Khan Academy uses evaluations of its own success to determine its
next advancements and changes. For these reasons, and Khan Academy being an
entirely technology based program, so many NET Standards are met.
When creating my Voki, I really enjoyed it. I learned different ways,
more creative ways, I could integrate Voki into my classroom once I become
more familiar with the program. In addition the program can be used to engage
those students that need a little more encouragement, interaction, or
excitement in the classroom to become engaged. NET Standard 3b states, “use
technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse
needs of learners”. Voki can be utilized in numerous educational ways, not
solely for my personal introduction, and can capture the attention of visual,
linguistic, and auditory learners all at once. I could program the Voki to
ask questions and take pauses. I believe the children would really enjoy
that. Lastly NETS 2b says to “apply current research on teaching and learning
with technology”, I believe integrating the Voki into the classroom is doing
just that.
Gap Minder
When discovering and learning how to maneuver and work Gap Minder, I
was, honestly, very confused. After working with it for some time, I began to
understand how it worked. Once I was familiar with the resource, I was able
to realize its potential and place in a classroom. This resource also meets
several NETS due to how technology advanced it is and how diverse its
information is as additional instruction for the classroom. In NETS 4b it
states “use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret
results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and
maximize student learning”. Gap Minder’s purpose is just that, to use
technology’s resources and data and combine them into one place to be more
useful to the classroom and to students.
The information on Gap Minder can be easily incorporated in classroom
instruction in a higher level classroom.
World Peace Games
When learning of the World Peace Games and observing clips of the
games, the game itself and how independent the students were in the game was
intriguing to me. This is where NETS 6 a and b come in. NETS 6a states “model
and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use”. The
independent practice of the students during the game with the access to
technology and use of it during the game teaches the ethical decisions and
practices talked about in 6a. Also, in 2a and b, the instructor designs and
applies his research into creating a technologically advanced game for
students that encourages their learning environment.
Movie Maker
When making the movie using movie maker, I had to think about what
opportunities I could utilize this for in my future classroom. In addition, I
enjoyed using a program that is more likely to be used on my future computers
and is simple to use. The NETS met were 2a and 3a&b. In 2a it states
“design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply
technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of
learners.” I believe the Movie Maker project meets NETS 2a because using a
movie in the classroom to introduce or enhance a theme or unit is
developmentally appropriate to elementary age students. In addition, it
supports the diverse needs of learners by giving visual and auditory learners
a better learning experience.
When creating my XtraNormal video, I really enjoyed the trial and
error process as well as trying all different sound effects, etc. The
XtraNormal service announcement met NETS 1b,2b, and 3b. It met 1b by
“demonstrating my continual growth in technology knowledge and skills”. With
the making of the XtraNormal Video, I was required to move from making a
virtual video with one character to a video with two characters. NETS 2b was
met because “current research on teaching and learning with technology” was
required to discover the software and be able to utilize it in a meaningful
way in a classroom. Lastly, 3b was met by “supporting learner-centered
strategies that address the diverse needs of students”. This was met because
the visual and auditory parts of the video appeal to different types of
learners and engage their interest.
Software and Hardware Terminology
When learning and refreshing my memory of short cuts and definitions
of what each important part of the computer is for. The NETS met are 1a&b and 5a&c. In
order to meet 1a&b one must “demonstrate knowledge and continued growth
of knowledge” which is the entire purpose of this particular assignment. For
5a&c to be met, the shortcuts and knowledge about software and hardware
must be used to “engage in ongoing professional development and increase
productivity”, all of these are directly applicable to the assignment.
The NETS met by the website are numerous. NETS 1 a&b are met by
“demonstrating the introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of
concepts related to technology” as well as “the continual growth in
technology” that will be needed to continually update the web page. NETS 2a
is met by the design of the web page being “developmentally appropriate” to
the classroom you are teaching, the parents you are encountering, and even
the school you are at. The web page needs to be appropriate for your setting.
NETS 2d and e are met by “planning for the management of technology resources
within the context of learning activities” and “plan strategies to manage
student learning”. My personal web page can be utilized for student learning
and reinforcement outside of the classroom, and I must plan for the
management of my web page to keep it up to date. NETS 4c is met by “applying
multiple methods of evaluation to determine students appropriate use of
technology resources or learning”. The web resources listed on the web page
can be used to observe students on the sites and how they interact on the
sites and on the internet. Lastly NETS 5 a and c are met by “using technology
resources to engage in ongoing learning” and “to communicate and collaborate
with parents”. The web page can be used after the school year is over for
reinforcement, and it is most importantly used as a reference for parents and
a resource of information.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
To All The Colleges That Rejected Me
I feel like she is complaining, and not being prepared to apply and be accepted to the colleges she wished is her own fault. She stated that her parents clipped articles about young students making discoveries for her to read. Well, why didn't she take the hint and start trying to think of something herself? Or perhaps, just become more involved. Without much background I cannot determine as to which level she was involved in her community and school, but maybe she was applying to schools out of her reach. In order to get into an ivy league school, you have to be an ivy league student with potential. One with drive and motivation. Those types of schools are not merely looking for the "Average Joe", or someone who complains and envies others success. Those types of schools are looking for an exceptional, stand out student who doesn't need the motivation of others to do well in life, but is self motivating and will do something miraculous to reflect well on the university. Therefore, as I said previously, I believe she is simply complaining because she realizes she is as fault.
Anna Claire
Anna Claire
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Lalee's Kin
I believe this problem is still present in the Delta because not enough newly certified school teachers, or teachers at all, are willing to go to the Delta to teach. It doesn't matter the home life, what matters is the teacher's passion and motivation to help her students and get them the help that they need. In addition, we as future educators can solve this problem, if not by personally going there to teacher then sending supplies. The amount of money given by the state, while is can be argued on by situation, should be increased. Lastly, the want of a student to go to school is usually not the entire situation, but some of it. To instill a want to learn in children is the most important part in my opinion and should be taken care of first.
Anna Claire Burns
Anna Claire Burns
Gap Minder
I like Gap Minder, I believe it would be helpful for children of
all ages. You can find more juvenile information as well as more
advanced information. I love that you can choose the countries you want
to view and what years. The more specified the information is, the more
simple it will be for children of elementary age. I believe I will be
able to use this in my classroom in social studies or even science
lessons. It would also be helpful to let the children learn how to work
things on their own. If a child doesn't know how to navigate a website,
let him/her figure it out on their own.
Anna Claire Burns
Anna Claire Burns
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Salman Khan: Let's Use Videos to Reinvent Education
Khan has developed a system to help students learn at their own pace. Not a new concept, but a new way of doing it. The students can log onto the system online on their own computers because no access codes are needed, etc. In addition, he proposes the reality of not leaving children behind that haven't totally mastered the tasks that are being taught before moving on to the next subject. Khan Academy sounds like it would appeal to a broad range of students and integrating the video lectures as homework would free up more classroom time to see what the students do not understand.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Article Debates
Sequestration Cuts Will Shortchange Students, Universities Say
I agree with what they are trying to do in a sense. I don't see the harm in students that are getting the money, poor students, to go to college getting less. Some students are only in college because it is getting paid for and a refund, not because they want an education. In my opinion, a motive should be more closely looked at before handing out loans or grants to students. The states and country, who are so poor anyways aren't they? are having to pay for these educations. This will force parents to think more in a futuristic way when having a child and even more closely about having a child and what the costs will incur. Also, this will cause students to determine if they really need or want to go to college and the respect of Bachelor's degree will go back to where it use to be.
Student Database Jazzes Tech Startup, Spooks Parents
It's scary thinking that a school, especially public schools all over the nation, will know literally everything about my future students and even children. Like my teacher pointed out, what if someone hacked into the system. Also, if this isn't private, isn't that an invasion of privacy? I, personally, don't want my information posted in a system where anyone can see it. In addition, what about those awful people out in the world; pedophiles, murderers, etc. that can access this information? This is endangering our students! It's an outrage that the schools can post my student's or child's records of test scores and/or learning disabilities. That could make them subject to ridicule and/or bullying by others or even special treatment, good or bad.
The fact that the school system has total legal control over their information is amazing, and not in a good way. Also, when individuals participate in psychological studies there has to be some type of consent form, even if no harm is in question. This seems like a study to me, and consent should be required, anonymous or not.
Hardware and Shortcuts Songs
The Shortcuts on the Computer
The keys on the keyboard go click, click, click
click, click, click, click, click, click
the keys on the keyboard go click, click, click
All through the classroom
Ctrl+X goes snip, snip, snip
snip, snip, snip, snip, snip, snip
Ctrl;+X goes snip, snip, snip
All through the computer
Ctrl-O goes open and cancel.
open and cancel open and cancel
Ctrl-O goes open and cancel
All through the computer
Ctrl+Alt+Delete goes beep, beep, beep
beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
Ctrl+Alt Delete goes beep, beep, beep
All through the computer
The RAM in the computer makes it go, go, go
go, go, go, go, go, go
The RAM in the computer makes it go, go, go
All though the computer
The red shut down button shuts it down, shuts it down
shuts it down, shuts it down
The red shut down button shuts it down
All through the computer
Monday, March 4, 2013
Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity
I firmly agree with all of Ken Robinson's views. He has views that fall completely in line with my way of thinking. I believe that if more people could have a broader way of thinking, as he seems too, then students wouldn't have issues of lessening creativity as they age. The arts and music programs and in schools would not be in jeopardy if children's creativity was still prevalent as it was years ago. All children are different, and we as educators have to recognize that. Not all children understand or enjoy core subjects. In addition, not all children can learn those subjects with out the integration of music or art. We must continue to integrate the arts and forceful creative thinking, outside of Math or Reading word problems, in the classroom and in everyday lessons. Though it is hard, this is all our job as teachers.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Jon Hunter's World Peace Game
1.) What does he mean when he says "I am standing on the shoulders of many people?"
I believe he is referring to the teachers and parents that were his influences, those that he referred to at the beginning of his speech.
2.) Why did he use a game, methodology?
I believe Hunter used a game to teach his lesson, orginally on Africa, to try to get students more engaged and to allow them to interact with others. It also allowed them to learn about real world problems, face challenges, and have the freedom to make decisions.
3.) What are some of the roles that the students play in the game?
The students play many roles in the World Peace Game. A few examples are, the Weather Goddess, Prime Minister, Ambassador, etc.
4.) What was John Hunter's role in the game?
His role was to relinquish power. He had to realize he didn't have to regulate every response and conversation in the classroom.
5.) What role did the condolence letter play?
The codolence letter kept the kids grounded. It made them stop and think about loss before they just jumped straight into battle.
6.) Describe John Hunter.
John Hunter is a very passionate teacher. He thinks about his students and how to make learning a better experience for them. He puts his efforts and time into his work.
7.) Thoughts about this being a " self evident, authentic assesment" and "spontaneous
learning". Would I feel successful?
I would feel successful as a teacher, but with the way that standardized tests are in MS today I would feel that I needed to accomplish more in order to make my work apparent and to keep my job.
John Hunter's World Peace Game
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Advice and Software
A piece of advice I would give about using technology is to utilize your shortcuts. Shortcuts are things that make your life on the computer faster and easier. Some shortcuts that are very useful and easy to remember are Ctrl+V = copy, Ctrl+C = copy, Ctrl+E = center, Ctrl+L = left align, Ctrl + R = right align, Ctrl+P = print, Ctrl + Z = undo, and the list can go on and on. Those are just some that I just most commonly.
Other Classmates Tips:
1) Ctrl + F = Find
2) Crtl + Z = undo
3) Ctrl + S = Save
4) Ctrl + Alt + Dlt = shutdown programs, menu
5) Ctrl + 2 = Double space
6) Alt + Tab = switches between open programs
7) = send large doc. not usually able to send over email up to 2 GB
8) Ctrl + T = new tab in internet
9) Ctrl + V = paste
10) Ctrl + C = copy
11) Ctrl + B = bold
12) Ctrl + I = italic
13) Select hard passwords with letters, numbers, and special characters. Use different passwords
for different things.
14) Ctrl + W = close current tab
15) Ctrl + R = right align
16) Ctrl + A = select all
17) Ctrl + E = center
18) Ctrl + L = left align
19) Ctrl + U = underline
20) Ctrl + P = print
A piece of software that I would like to know more about is Microsoft Access. I know it can be used to make field trip forms and other things which can be very useful in the classroom. I hope to be able to learn more about this in the future and utilize the program in my own classroom.
Softwares We Want To Know More About:
1) McAfee
2) Access ////
3) RAM
4) Smart Board //
5) Adobe In Design
6) Photo Shop
7) Anti Virus
8) Replacing Hard Drive
9) Windows 8
10) Inspiration 9
Anna Claire Burns
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Howard Gardener's Muliple Intelligence Concept Map
H. Gardener's Multiple Intelligences
-First let's take a quiz online to see what type of "intelligence" we have. There are many different types of "intelligence" or "smart". We all possess one or more intelligence and all learn in different ways. No matter the outcome of these quizzes, no one of us is "smarter" than the other, we simply learn differently.
-Now, let's watch the video on H. Gardener's Multiple Intelligences to really understand what it means to be a linguistic, logical/mathematical, musical, bodily, visual, interpersonal,and/or intrapersonal learner.
I. Linguistic
-Now, let's watch the video on H. Gardener's Multiple Intelligences to really understand what it means to be a linguistic, logical/mathematical, musical, bodily, visual, interpersonal,and/or intrapersonal learner.
I. Linguistic
-Linguistic learners enjoy words as a whole. These types of learners enjoy seeing, hearing, practicing, speaking, and writing words. Activities most enjoyed by these types of learners are word puzzles and/or crosswords, reading, and classroom discussion. These learners can be taught most easily because words can be used interpersonally (with others) and intrapersonally (by yourself). There is a wide range of opportunities for careers available to linquistic learners. Just a couple are journalist, which includes both listening to words and gathering information as well as writing words to record the information. Another option for careers that linguistic learners may be interested in is broadcasting. Broadcasting includes more speaking of words to an audience and reading of words from a script or TelePrompTer
A. Seeing words
a) Journalist
B. Hearing Words
b) Broadcaster
II. Logical/Mathematical
II. Logical/Mathematical
-Logical and mathematical learners enjoy numbers and things that go together in a more natural and "gear like" way. Cause and effect situations that are clearly marked are one of the best examples of ways that logical learners see and think about certain situations. Logical and mathematical learners enjoy problem solving, critical thinking, calcualting, and experimenting. A lot of the time, but not always, logical learners are more science and math oriented. Careers that may interest these types of learners are being a scientist and/or an accountant. Both of these positions include tedious critical thinking and problem solving as well as a large amount of time dealing with numbers, math problems, and experimentations
A. Experimenting
a) Scientist
B. Calculating/Reasoning
b) Accountant
III. Musical
III. Musical
-Musical learners enjoy putting things to rhythms and song. One thing musical learners enjoy most is learning "tricks" or "short cuts" to remember things by learning and/or making up a song. For example: if you have are trying to remember the states in alphabetical order, a musical learner may immediately try to think of a way to form a song or at least speak them rhythmically in order to help remember them. Careers that may interest musical learners are a music teacher and a poet; both careers allow musical learners to demonstrate and practice in the best way that they know how.
A.Tapping Out Time
A.Tapping Out Time
a) Music Teacher
B.Speaking Rhythmically
b) Poet
IV. Bodily/Kinesthetic
IV. Bodily/Kinesthetic
-Bodily and kinesthetic learners enjoy being active and using their bodies to learn; activities that involve hands on work are the most exciting and interesting for these learners. Any activity whether with a partner, group, or alone that allows this type of learner to be active is what helps them learn best. Even things such as science experiments are beneficial to these learners because it is more involved then simple reading a science book or doing a worksheet. Careers that may interest these types of learners are a surgeon, a dancer, and a professional athlete. These careers are both heavily involved in the body. Surgeons must have steady hands, but their hands are the most important part of their work. Dancers on the other end of the spectrum, use their entire bodies.
A. Hands On Activities
a) Surgeon
b) Professional Athlete
B. Acting
a) Dancer
V. Visual/Spatial
V. Visual/Spatial
-Visual learners enjoy seeing things to understand them. These types of learners may not solve a word problem well if they only see the words written in front of them, but if given the opportunity to see it acted or drawn out, they could easily understand and/or solve the problem. Activities that would most interest these types of learners in the classroom are jigsaw puzzles and reading maps; instead of just reading about things. actually seeing them come together on the page or seeing an example of what is being discussed. Careers that may interest these type of learners are a sailor and an architect. Sailors don't just read about the world in a book or even see a map in an Atlas, they go into the world and see it for themselves. Architects solve jigsaw puzzles daily on paper in blueprints and in life-size in the form of buildings
A. Jigsaw Puzzles
a) Architect
B. Read Maps
b) Sailor
VI. Interpersonal
VI. Interpersonal
-Interpersonal learners enjoy being and working with others. These types of learners work most successfully in group activities and using dialogue to learn. I n order to convey ideas or to teach interpersonal learners it's important to incorporate a variety of partner and group work into the class schedule. Careers that may interest interpersonal learners are a nurse and a school principal. Nurses must work with others constantly. A nurse is almost never alone and even when she is not with a patient she is consulting with other nurses or doctors on treatment of patients. School principals are also in constant contact with people. Interpersonal skills are greatly required in both fields
A. Group Activities
a) Nurse
B. Dialogue
b) School Principal
VII. Intrapersonal
VII. Intrapersonal
-Intrapersonal learners enjoy working alone more so than with others. These types of learners enjoy reading books to learn as well as independent writing. The best and most suited types of careers for these learners are entrepreneurs and a counselor. entrepreneurs are their own boss. While they may have to be in contact with employees and customers at some point in time, it is not to the level of that which they have to be if they were the employee and not the employer. Counselors do have to be in contact with others to give advice or guidance counseling, but they consult with themselves and usually employ or spend a lot of time alone planning appointment or plans of action for treatment or guidance of patients.
A. Books
B. Independent Writing
-What have we learned?
1) We can think of all these different types of learning as different ways of being smart. Everyone is smart in their own way, we all just learn things differently. Once we realize that we all have the same capacity to learn just in different ways we
can all understand each other better.
2) We can be more than one type of "smart"
3) We are all smart.
-As you go throughout the week, try to notice more now if the quiz was true to how you feel you learn best. Do you enjoy being by yourself or with others? Do you enjoy using your body or using words? Think about these things as you go throughout the week.
1) We can think of all these different types of learning as different ways of being smart. Everyone is smart in their own way, we all just learn things differently. Once we realize that we all have the same capacity to learn just in different ways we
can all understand each other better.
2) We can be more than one type of "smart"
3) We are all smart.
-As you go throughout the week, try to notice more now if the quiz was true to how you feel you learn best. Do you enjoy being by yourself or with others? Do you enjoy using your body or using words? Think about these things as you go throughout the week.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Teacher Instruction
CAI was introduced into the special education world and since, the small number of studies, though excluding preschool age students, have shown dramatic improvements and differences in the effectiveness of the instructional technology and a teacher's instruction alone. As a student studying to be a teacher, the fact that I alone cannot teach my student to his/her full potential is scary and depressing. I use to think that my future students would only depend on me and for me teach and instill in them the right and wrong ideas, theories, philosophies, etc.; however, the reality of it is that my students, especially those with special needs will need more than just me. They will need a wide range of types of instruction, areas and ways in which to learns, and different techniques to keep them involved and encouraged.
While reading this article I noticed that the studies were done by computers to see how well computers were at giving instruction? I can only wonder if this would be hindered if it was administered by a teacher. Just thoughts.
Anna Claire Burns
Thursday, January 24, 2013
What I Know About.....
1. Software = gives instructions that software programmers have generated to make the program due whatever it is suppose to do
2. Hardware = anything you can touch
Input = keyboard, mouse, scanner
Output = screen, printer
3. CPU = Central Processing Unit that carries out instructions from your keyboard; it's on your motherboard; think of the CPU like a brain
4. RAM = Random Access Memory that allows your computer speed up when doing a lot of things at once
5. ROM = Read Only Memory does not erase when the power goes off; it is saved in your hard drive
6. Hard Drive =stores information saved to it
7. Server = very large CPU that many computers will run off of. Ex: Google, USM
Anna Claire
The Machine is Using Us
Questions about the video: What was the correlation with the title?
Interesting Thoughts:
We teach the machine every time we click something, go to or follow a link. i don't believe the machine is using us though, we stilll teach the it what to do, it doesn't use us. I do not agree with the thougth that digital text > written text either, I believe written word is more thought out, more flexible, and sophisticated. Lastly, there has to be a limit to what the internet can hold.
Anna Claire
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
The Dirty and Dangerous Side of Tech
Humans are becoming increasingly more technological. We purchase, return, throw away, etc. electronic devices daily without a second thought with what does or will happen to them when they end up in a landfill. These can cause damaging effects to our water, land, and air as well as causing tragedies in other countries There is a solution though, buying less electronics over the years lessens the impact on the environment. In addition, using companies that use less toxic materials or dispose of their materials ecologically.
I believe these solutions are plausable and could be very effective if done by a large number of the population. Education is the key part of making these changes happen. The world needs to be educated on the problems at hand and the solutions proposed to lessen the impacts. Only by education of the forthcoming impacts can we persuade people to take part in the actions.
Lastly, I believe we could use or develop more safe materials for the environment. Materials that cause lesser impact on the environment and/or are possibly biodegradable.
Anna Claire
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Pay Attention
After viewing "Pay Attention" I am given a totally different perspective on using technology in the classroom. There are so many more options that I could ever imagine. For instance, text messaging activities and Geo Caching to teach geography; the list goes on.
Just last week in my Math for Elementary Teachers class, my teachers used an internet site to take a poll. Instead of having us verbally give answers, we texted them and they came up on the screen anonymously. How fun! It was engaging, everyone wanted to do it, and no one was to shy to answer! This type of activity could be used in so many ways.
The shocking statistics on high schooler's opinions about the importance of their education definitely made an impact. I want to make an impact. Inspire. I want to use new ways to engage students and have them look forward to coming to school each day to learn.
I had never thought of using podcasts before, but I will think twice about it now. I will be an elementary teacher and students will most likely have an iPod before they have a cell phone. Those are ways to draw the students' interest into the lesson more and use my resources more effectively. Also, teaching them how to use technology and social media responsibly and effectively. So, to answer the question, technology definitely has a place in my classroom even more so now than before viewing the video.
Watch the video, it wil have an impact on you. I promise.
Anna Claire
Just last week in my Math for Elementary Teachers class, my teachers used an internet site to take a poll. Instead of having us verbally give answers, we texted them and they came up on the screen anonymously. How fun! It was engaging, everyone wanted to do it, and no one was to shy to answer! This type of activity could be used in so many ways.
The shocking statistics on high schooler's opinions about the importance of their education definitely made an impact. I want to make an impact. Inspire. I want to use new ways to engage students and have them look forward to coming to school each day to learn.
I had never thought of using podcasts before, but I will think twice about it now. I will be an elementary teacher and students will most likely have an iPod before they have a cell phone. Those are ways to draw the students' interest into the lesson more and use my resources more effectively. Also, teaching them how to use technology and social media responsibly and effectively. So, to answer the question, technology definitely has a place in my classroom even more so now than before viewing the video.
Watch the video, it wil have an impact on you. I promise.
Anna Claire
Monday, January 21, 2013
Comments on Te'o and McKelvey
First on McKelvey, as a college student myself, I cannot fathom impostering someone at the insitution and/or posing to be someone else just because I believed it would give me greater chances at something. I do, however, believe that had McKelvey not impostered someone, he should not be hindered from playing football just because of his age. I don't believe individuals should punished due to their age, if they meet the requirements, there are no rules on the issue, and they are at the same level as other candidates. Of course, the individuals have to be held to the same standards, they cannot be treated specially due to special circumstances. If a person may be at a disadvantage due to age or anything else he/she makes the decision to continue.
Second, Te'o. I really do not understand this story, or the purpose or benefit of making this story up. The entire thing seems pointless and confusing in the end. Without further information into the person's life I cannot explain why he/she did it, but I do not agree with it. Whether people personally knew him or not, it affected others. Due to the fact that he was in the spotlight, others may have sent donations, flowers, etc. to this "fake girlfriends" funeral. What happened to all of that? This boy went to a lot of trouble to make up these stories, pictures, trips, deaths, etc. I believe the death may have been a way for him to end the hoax, although I don't know why they couldn't just "break up". To each his own.
Now, them together, while these stories remind me of one another. It is only because I read them close together in time. Other than that, the lies and football are all that seem to tie them together. Which is misleading from the title of the Daily Press article "Teel Time: Te'o girlfriend hoax reminds of Texas imposter before Sugar Bowl against Virgina Tech".
Anna Claire
Thursday, January 17, 2013
A Little About Myself
My name is Anna Claire Burns. I am a sophomore at The University of Southern Mississippi. I am a Special/Elementary Education Major with a minor in Math. I enjoy sewing, crocheting, and cooking. I am the Vice President of Community Service for Kappa Delta sorority and am excited for the year to come. Once I figure out how to use this site, I hope to create my own blogs for my hobbies and teaching. I know that God has great things in store for me and I cannot wait for them to be revealed.
Anna Claire
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